ATLANTA -- Inspired by the military's most-wanted card deck of Iraqi war figures, two Atlanta men have created a deck of cards for America's corporate villains.
"The Stacked Deck" has caricatures of Enron Corp.'s former CEO Kenneth Lay (the ace of spades), Arthur Andersen's former CEO Joseph Berardino (the ace of hearts) and the guru of good things, Martha Stewart (queen of hearts.)
The creators are Douglas Quinby, a marketing director for a midsize technology company, and J.R. Mayhew, co-founder of Cyfun Media, an interactive marketing agency.
"We wanted to do something about it other than sit around at a dinner table, drink wine and complain," Quinby said.
They say they have sold several hundred decks in less than two weeks from their Web site. Each deck costs $12.95.
"Our biggest disappointment was that there were only 54 cards in the deck," Quinby said.
"The Stacked Deck" has caricatures of Enron Corp.'s former CEO Kenneth Lay (the ace of spades), Arthur Andersen's former CEO Joseph Berardino (the ace of hearts) and the guru of good things, Martha Stewart (queen of hearts.)
The creators are Douglas Quinby, a marketing director for a midsize technology company, and J.R. Mayhew, co-founder of Cyfun Media, an interactive marketing agency.
"We wanted to do something about it other than sit around at a dinner table, drink wine and complain," Quinby said.
They say they have sold several hundred decks in less than two weeks from their Web site. Each deck costs $12.95.
"Our biggest disappointment was that there were only 54 cards in the deck," Quinby said.